Oh mango tree, Oh mango tree - Tropical live Christmas Trees
We have a family tradition, begun our second year in our Maryland house, of buying a live landscaping tree/large shrub as our Christmas Tree to plant out after the holidays. The first year in the Maryland House my trusty Norfolk Island pine, my live Christmas tree for 6 years, was decorated with ornaments, tinsel and presents. Then it croaked in a sudden violent shedding of all needles as soon as we returned from Christmas at my parents. So the following year we got a real tree and moved it outside wrapped in a sheet in a sheltered and warmish location while we visited the grandparents. We eventually accumulated a spruce, japanese maple, mountain laurel, deodor cedar, and a white pine. And then we moved leaving our odd little specimen forest behind. Now of course on Oahu we are surrounded by Cook and Norfolk Island Pines grown to heights that would never fit in our house. In 2020 the live Christmas tree was a mele kalikimaka banana. Which...